
Trailblazer Challenge for Adults Living with SMA

In recent years Biogen ran the Trailblazer Challenge for the adult spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) community that featured paralympian and multiple tennis Grand Slam winner, Dylan Alcott.

At Biogen, we know that adults living with SMA face debilitating and progressive muscle wastage that can have a significant impact on their day-to-day lives.1,2 To help bring much needed support and seek solutions to the everyday challenges faced by adults living with SMA, Biogen, in collaboration with Dylan Alcott and SMA Australia, ran the first ever Trailblazer Challenge.

We called on adults living with SMA to share the everyday challenges they face so that together we could create practical solutions to help make life easier and bring lasting change and support to people living with SMA.

In collaboration with SMA Australia and experts from around Australia, Biogen hosted the first-ever Trailblazer Challenge to help solve one of these challenges to benefit as many adults living with SMA as possible. Biogen looked at solutions for smaller challenges outside the Trailblazer Challenge event too, like those that make everyday life easier to ensure adults living with SMA can keep doing those important things to remain independent.

Learn more about: Spinal Muscular Atrophy